Members Area
This is an area for choir members and includes future concert dates, rehearsal information, rehearsal aids and general information relating to the current term.
Latest news:
Currently rehearsing Faure's Requiem for the spring concerts. Rehearsal aids can be found for all voice parts on Chord Perfect
Also rehearsing John Rutter ~ Come Live with Me. To Music ~ Franz Schubert and Seal Lullaby ~ Eric Whitacre. More to follow!
Some rehearsal aids can be found on John Fletcher rehearsal files.
New videos of our recent December concerts can be found on our YouTube channel
Rehearsals for the Spring term commence on 22nd January 7pm. Faure's Requeim is the first Item to be rehearsed and other items will be added during the following weeks.
Provisional dates for 2025:
15th January - Social get-together
15th March - Come and Sing day
17th May - Afternoon concert Cannington
6th June - Evening concert - Cossington TBC
Currently rehearsing the following music which may be included in our December concerts. Music available at rehearsals if you don't have copies. Performances of all can be found on YouTube:
Peter Warlock - Bethlehem Down
O Magnum Mysterium - Francis Poulenc
Donkey Carol - John Rutter
Still, Still, Still - German carol arr. Ledger
There is no rose of such virtue - John Joubert
Torches - John Joubert
And there were Shepherds - J.S.Bach
We have a new YouTube channel! Have a look at the highlights from the videos of our recent concerts.
2024 winter Concert dates have been confirmed as Wednesday 11th December 2024 at St. Mary's Cannington starting 7pm and Saturday 14th December 2024 at Nether Stowey Church Hall at 3pm. Please pencil dates in diaries.
Rehearsals for our 2024 December concerts will commence on 25th September 2024 at the Salvation Army Hall 7-9pm.