
Mid-term rehearsal evening October 2024

 Harmonia concert 20th May 2023

A joyful evening of eclectic singing from the choir including Scarborough Fair, Shakespeare Sonnets with music by Gershwin, glorious flute by Celia Smith and sparkling duets by Jackie Ayres and John Bodily. We were also privileged to have Elizabeth Lathwood who gave a beautiful oboe solo.

Come & Sing Mozart Requiem ~ February 2020

Iain at the helm with Frances Webb on Piano

Little did we know this was the last opportunity to sing together

A.G.M. ~ September 2019

Presentations to Committee Members who are standing down after a number of years

Outgoing chair David Mills and wife Margaretwith new Chair: Jackie Cushing-Collins
Sheila Greenwith Jeanne McIntosh

Handel: Messiah ~ December 2018

Fauré Requiem / Handel Coronation Anthems / Iain Cooper Benedicite ~ May 2018

Bliss Pastoral / Britten St Nicolas / Holst Two Psalms ~ May 2017 at Bridgwater Baptist Church

Mozart Requiem & Nelson Mass ~ May 2016

BBC Radio Somerset ~ 20th April 2015

Live from the studio car park!

In Tune With Heaven ~ December 2013                                

Messiah ~ May 2011    

Alexander's Feast ~ December 2009

Older memories